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Whispers from Heaven
(Donna Lee Music Ministry)

“Winner of three Unit Awards:
Winner of 3 Unity Awards, Pop/Contemporary Album of the year, Songwriter of the year and Pop/Contemporary song of the year for "Jesus I Trust In You. Features 2 cover songs."
Donna Lee started playing guitar and singing at the age of seven. In 1972, she joined the folk group at her local parish where she sang and played guitar for 11 years. At the age of 15, she wrote her first song for a Catholic youth retreat.
born by the many gestures of love...
Her debut album, “Immaculate Heart, O Sacred Heart,” was released in 1990, and was well received by all ages. Since then, she has recorded five albums of mostly original music. Donna’s newest CD, “The Grace of God” was recorded in Brazil and released in June 2003. Some of the highlights of her ministry were having the opportunity to be the opening act for the late Michael Hedges at 4th and B in San Diego, and performing with Tony Melendez. She also had the opportunity to perform concerts in five different cities in Portugal for Youth 2000 and in Aylesford, England opening for Sal Solo, as well as singing at conferences and festivals in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Holland, Mexico, and Brazil. Donna Lee is one of the founding members of the Catholic Association of Musicians started by John Michael Talbot in 1996. Her music can be heard on several Catholic radio stations across the United States, Canada, Europe, and South America.
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